Please note that this page will be updated as people ask more questions and as they come up.

Are all pairings allowed?

Yes! This zine is open to all ships and all types of content, even content that might be deemed problematic. For this zine that kind of content is referred to as "dubious."

Will this zine be physical or digital?

This zine will be completely digital and will include digital merch!

Will this zine be for profit or charity?

This zine will be a free pdf zine!

How many contributors will be accepted?

Since this is a digital project, we are very flexible on the number of contributors. We would love to have as many kinky emetos in our project as possible! We will still have applications, but we do not have to be as cut-throat as physical zines might be.

Will AUs be allowed?

Yes! All AUs are allowed!